Is there anything tastier than a lovely side dish of fresh, steamed broccoli covered in a white cheese sauce? No? Exactly. Your bun probably feels the same way (minus the white sauce, of course).
So can a rabbit eat broccoli, and is it a healthy option?
Rabbits can eat broccoli, as long as it’s given in moderation and makes up part of a varied and balanced diet. Broccoli contains fiber and vitamins, which is good for rabbits. Out of all the cruciferous (members of the mustard family) vegetables, broccoli is known to cause painful gas if overeaten.
If you are considering adding broccoli to your bunny’s diet, this detailed guide will provide all the information you’ll need. Plus, we’ve covered all the nutritional benefits and risks associated with broccoli.
Can Rabbits Eat Raw Broccoli?
Unlike a wild rabbit, which is not used to cruciferous vegetables, your bun can safely eat raw and cooked broccoli. However, raw is always best as it’s much crunchier. Cooking any leafy greens does remove some of the nutrients.
When feeding broccoli to your bun, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the broccoli plant and which part of it is safe for your floppy-eared friend.
Here’s a quick look at the different parts of the broccoli plant:
- Broccoli leaves and florets are often a rabbit’s favorite part to eat, and the leaves are less likely to give them gas.
- Broccoli stalks can be given to your rabbit, but they’re known to cause painful gas. Stalks should be given in moderation.
- Broccoli stems are delicious but also known to cause gas build-up and should be fed in small quantities.
Make sure to wash the broccoli thoroughly before giving it to your bun. This will remove any pesticide residue on the plant.
Monitor your bun closely, and remove the broccoli if you notice loose stools or signs of gas build-up.
Benefits of Feeding Broccoli to Rabbits

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of feeding broccoli to your bunny:
- It contains vitamins such as A, B6, B12, D, E, and K, which are excellent for your bun’s overall health and well-being.
- Broccoli tastes great, and your bun will enjoy munching on the leaves, stems, and stalks as an occasional treat.
- Chewing on broccoli wears your bun’s teeth down, which is good for dental health. Rabbits have open-rooted teeth (teeth that continue to grow), and they need to eat foods that help wear down their teeth.
- It’s a good source of fiber to regulate their digestive systems.
- It contains minerals such as zinc and iron, which assist in maintaining strong bones and muscular strength.
- It contains a sulfur-rich compound known as sulforaphane, which has benefits in treating atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.
Risks of Feeding Too Much Broccoli to Rabbits
Even though broccoli is referred to as a superfood, it still poses some risks if a rabbit overeats.
Here’s a look at a few of the risks of feeding too much broccoli to your bun:
- Broccoli is high in starch, which can cause enteritis (digestive tract inflammation). This can lead to obesity, continuous diarrhea, and death if left untreated.
- It contains high sugar levels, killing your bun’s good gut flora. This can lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, and the development of obesity and diabetes.
- It has a high water content, which can lead to diarrhea.
- Too much broccoli leads to painful gas building up. This can be very painful for your bun as it causes stabbing pain, diarrhea, and obvious lethargy.
How Much Broccoli Can I Give My Rabbit?
Introducing anything new to your bun’s diet should be done slowly, and the addition of fresh vegetables is no exception.
A rabbit’s digestive system is very sensitive, and certain foods can trigger unwanted and nasty side effects such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain (especially when eating broccoli).
Start by only giving your bun about a tablespoon of broccoli per one pound of their body weight per day.
Ideally, it would be best if you only gave your bun broccoli two or three times a week to avoid gas build-up. You can slowly increase the amount if you don’t notice any of these side effects:
- Distended and hard stomach
- Gurgling sounds from the tummy
- A rabbit sits uncomfortably in an upright position
- Refuses to eat
- Lies down in an awkward position
Should your bun display any of these symptoms, consider removing broccoli from their diet and replacing it with other types of leafy vegetables, such as brussels sprouts, which are similar in taste and texture but don’t cause gas build-up.
Can Baby Rabbits Eat Broccoli?
Baby rabbits (kits) shouldn’t eat broccoli, primarily because broccoli causes gas and severe abdominal pain. A baby rabbit’s digestive system is still developing and is very fragile.
Kits shouldn’t eat vegetables or fruit until they are 6 months old. Their diet should strictly consist of their mother’s milk for the first 7 weeks.
By the time they are 6 months old, they will have started eating Timothy grass hay, and then you can slowly start introducing small amounts of broccoli to their diet.
Make sure to monitor the kits closely, as overloading their digestive symptoms too early can cause severe gastrointestinal issues, which can be fatal.
My Last Bunny Thoughts
Feeding your rabbit broccoli as a healthy snack alternative to their usual rabbit food is a great idea. It’s nutrient-dense and tasty. But even so, it’s vital to ensure you monitor your bun’s response to broccoli.
You don’t want your bun to experience unnecessary pain or discomfort.
Tenderstem broccoli is a good option if your bun suffers from anemia, as it contains more iron.
Broccoli has another fun use for your bun. Cut some small pieces of broccoli leaves and hide them around your bun’s hutch or living area for them to find.
You can also add the pieces of broccoli to your bun’s puzzle toys, which will be a rewarding game for them.
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