The medium-sized English Spot rabbit is one of the oldest rabbit breeds. Best known for its unique spots and coat markings, this breed was developed for show purposes and is a popular show rabbit.
But, are English Spot rabbits friendly? Yes, English Spot rabbits are friendly by nature and get along well with people. Affectionate, sweet, and gentle English Spot rabbits are used to being handled and petted and they make wonderful pets to people of all ages. These curious and active bunnies like to play and interact with their owners.
If you are looking for a cute, amicable, and affectionate pet bunny, the English Spot is a perfect choice! Continue reading to learn more about this breed and why they make such wonderful pets!
What Is an English Spot Rabbit?
The English Spot is a medium-sized rabbit and one of the oldest rabbit breeds. Unlike most breeds which were primarily developed for meat, the English Spot was developed as a show rabbit.
English Spot Rabbit History and Origin
As previously mentioned, the English Spot rabbit is one of the oldest breeds, developed in mid-19th century England. The exact origin of this breed is still a bit of a mystery, but some experts believe that they are related to the English Butterfly or Checkered Giant rabbit.
Whichever may be the case, the English Spot rabbit was primarily created to be a show rabbit. This was a rather uncommon practice since, at that time, most rabbits were developed for meat.
English Spot rabbits were very common in England since the 1850s and were imported to North America in 1910. The American Rabbit Breeders Association ARBA officially recognized this breed in 1924.
After being officially recognized by ARBA the American English Spot Rabbit club was established. In France, this breed is known as the Lapin Papillon Anglais which means the English Butterfly rabbit due to the butterfly markings on the nose.
English Spot Rabbit Characteristics

A properly bred English Spot rabbit will not possess the right body markings without the correct body type. They should have well-rounded hips that are slightly broader than their shoulders.
Their legs are long and slender with two front paws that lift the body from the ground while the hind legs are parallel with the body. They also have vertical ears.
Size, Weight, Shape
The English Spot is a medium-sized rabbit with a full arch body type. According to the American Rabbit Breeders Association, the maximum weight for this breed is eight pounds (source). Most English Spot rabbits weigh from five to eight pounds.
Color Varieties
English Spot rabbits come in several different colors, all of which are recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association and are eligible for showing. These colors are black, blue, gold, grey, chocolate, lilac, and tortoise.
All show-worthy English Spot rabbits have six types of body markings. These include a nose marking that looks like a butterfly, eye circles, cheek spots, colored ears, a chain of spots along each side of the body, and a strip of color down their backs known as herringbone.
English Spots have a short and dense flyback coat that is relatively easy to groom and keep clean. These bunnies will shed moderately all year round but will shed more during the molting season in spring and fall.
Since their hair is so short, it won’t form clumps on your furniture and carpets, but will instead get embedded in your clothing and upholstery. To reduce the shedding and the amount of rabbit hair floating around your home, brush your English Spot rabbit at least once a week during the off-season.
In the spring and fall, however, try to groom your pet rabbit two or three times a week to minimize the shedding.
Besides helping you to keep the shedding under control, regular grooming will also reduce the amount of hair your pet rabbit swallows during self-grooming. Thus lowering the risk of intestinal blockage.
The English Spot bunny has an average lifespan of five to nine years. Like all other bunnies, English Spots can live longer when properly cared for and spayed/neutered when recommended by your veterinarian.
Looking for a well-mannered, friendly, and easy-to-handle pet rabbit? The English Spot bunny is a fantastic choice!
Docile and affectionate by nature, these cute bunnies make amazing companions to people of all ages including seniors and families with children looking for a low-maintenance pet.
Since they were originally developed as show rabbits, English Spots are already used to being handled regularly. They don’t mind being petted, held, or picked up, and tend to enjoy human interaction.
The English Spot is an active and curious rabbit that needs an hour or two each day to run, play, and exercise. Allow your pet rabbit to spend some time outside its enclosure every day, so it can hop and run around to stay in good shape.
Besides keeping your bunny exercised you’ll also need to keep them mentally stimulated, since rabbits, like all other animals, can get bored and become destructive (source). Make sure that your English Spot rabbit has adequate toys to play with and chew on every day.
Whether your English Spot will be happy playing with a simple roll of cardboard or elaborate store-bought toys, is completely up to your rabbit. It’s up to you to figure out what your pet bunny likes and provide them with toys.
While rabbits are a bit more difficult to litter train than cats and dogs, training a rabbit isn’t impossible! Start litter training your pet rabbit from a young age and use a lot of treats and praise to get them to use the litter box.
Before you start, arm yourself with patience, and don’t expect any miracles to happen overnight! However, you can speed up the litter training process by placing several litter boxes all around the house. This way, your English Spot rabbit won’t have to go from one end of the house to the other every time they want to poop.
English Spot Rabbit Care
Caring for an English Spot rabbit is no different than caring for any other rabbit! English Spot bunnies are relatively low-maintenance pets and don’t require any special treatment to stay happy and healthy.
Here are a few things you need to consider and pay attention to:
English Spot rabbits can live either indoors or outdoors as long as the temperature isn’t below freezing. If you decide to keep your bunny outdoors, their hutch has to be raised from the ground and protected from the draft and rain.
Indoor cages must be made from sturdy and durable wire that your bunny can’t chew through and be large enough to allow the rabbit to eat, sleep, sit, stretch and hop comfortably. Choose a cage with a plastic or metal bottom as wire bottoms are uncomfortable for rabbits to stand on and can cause sore hocks.
Line the bottom of the cage with rabbit-safe bedding such as hay, shredded newspaper, or wooden pellets. Spot clean the bedding every day and completely remove it once a week to keep the cage clean.
The diet of English Spot rabbits is pretty much the same as the diet of any other rabbit breed. An ideal diet should consist of 70% hay and the remaining 30% should consist of fruits and vegetables, leafy greens, and high-quality pellets.
Besides regular meals, your pet rabbit should also have unrestricted access to clean and fresh water. And if you are ever unsure whether a certain type of food is safe for your rabbit to eat it’s best to err on the side of caution and don’t feed it to them.
The English Spot Rabbit isn’t prone to any hereditary health issues and is considered a relatively healthy breed. However, like all other rabbits, they too can suffer from common rabbit diseases.
Overgrown teeth are one of the most common health problems rabbits face. Since rabbit teeth grow continuously throughout their lives, they can grow into their jaws and cheeks causing excruciating pain.
Luckily, this painful issue can be prevented with a proper diet that includes a lot of hay. Besides being beneficial for their digestive systems, chewing on hay naturally files a rabbit’s teeth keeping them at a healthy length.
If you decide to keep your rabbit outdoors, know that they will be more susceptible to ear mites and flystrike. Thus, check your rabbit’s teeth every other week and look for signs of ear mites.
Flystrike is another issue that affects outdoor rabbits and happens when flies lay eggs in a rabbit’s soiled coat. If you suspect that your bunny has a flystrike, take them to the vet immediately as this is a potentially life-threatening condition.
English Spot Rabbit Price
The English Spot rabbit on average costs between $10 and $50 for a pet quality rabbit. Show-quality rabbits cost more and their price usually depends on the breeder, pedigree, and coat color.
A popular show rabbit, the English Spot is one of the oldest rabbit breeds. Developed and bred mostly for show purposes, these bunnies make amazing pets for people of all ages.
Affectionate, playful, friendly, and curious, the English Spot is used to interacting with people and doesn’t mind being picked up, held, or cuddled. Their wonderful temperament and interesting looks make English Spot rabbits popular pets and show rabbits.
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