Twitchy noses, fluffy cottontails, and the softest fur-ever. How could you possibly resist cuddling your bun when their fur is as soft as silk?
What is the reason a rabbit’s fur is so soft?
A rabbit’s fur is soft because it’s made up of hair fibers, which have a flat surface. This creates less friction and gives that silky smooth feeling when stroking your bun. Your bun’s fur is also even softer on the less exposed parts of its body like its ear flaps.
Want to know more about how to keep your rabbit’s hair feeling silky-smooth? Great, you have come to the right place.
We’ve got all the information you need to keep your buns’ fur coat looking fabulous right here.
How to Keep Your Rabbit Fur Soft
Self-grooming is essential in keeping your bunny’s hair cuddly and soft.
Even though bunnies groom themselves regularly, they still need a little extra help from their owners.
Let’s take a look at some simple ways you can help keep your rabbit’s fur silky-soft:
Fur Brushing
Rabbit shedding occurs regularly. Brushing your bun removes the excess fur, which prevents your bun’s soft fur from clumping and matting (which isn’t a cute look at all).
Fur Trimming
Some buns (especially the extra fluffy kind like the Angora and Jersey Wooly breed of rabbits) need a little trimming to prevent their soft coat from matting and causing troublesome clumps.
Your rabbit’s diet plays an important role in the condition of their fur. Yummy vitamins and nutrients (which can be found in fruit and vegetables) give your bun its glossy sheen and soft fur.
A lack of vitamins and nutrients can cause dull-looking fur and can sometimes even lead to fur loss.
Water Intake
Water is very important for your bun. A lack of water contributes to poor fur conditions.
So always monitor your furry friend’s water intake, and make sure they have access to freshwater all the time.
When to Groom Your Rabbit
Is your bun’s fur looking shaggy?
Are there tufts of hair sticking out all over the place?
Are there bald patches appearing on your buns coat?
Yes? Then it’s time to groom your rabbit.
Grooming is especially needed during shedding season (rabbits generally molt twice a year) because the fur loss makes a mess. Your bun can also ingest the loose fur, causing unwanted hairballs and internal blockages.
How Often Should I Groom My Rabbit?
Each bunny is unique. As a general rule of thumb, your bun should be groomed at least once every three days.
If your rabbit is going through a heavy shed, you may need to groom your fluffy friend as much as once a day.
Short-haired bunnies usually need grooming twice a week, whereas long-haired bunnies may need grooming once a day.
How Do You Groom a Rabbit at Home?

Grooming your bun at home requires a few odds and ends.
Brushing out all that extra fur isn’t always as easy as it seems, as bunny fur can become matted easily and requires fur trimming to get rid of those stubborn tufts of fur.
Here’s a list of common tools that will make grooming your bunny so much easier:
- Any type of soft brush (like a slicker brush) that is designed to groom cats or rabbits
- A wide-tooth comb to help remove those worrisome mats in the fur
- Scissors to cut those stubborn mats (use with care)
- A flea comb
- Cotton balls
- Bunny-safe mineral oil (such as rosemary or camphor oil) to clean the sensitive scent glands on your bun
- A glove brush is great at brushing out your buns’ fur
It is important to remember that the tools you pick to groom your rabbit depend on your bun’s breed and fur length.
Great, so now you have your tools and you are ready to groom your rabbit at home.
Follow these simple steps to groom your rabbit at home:
Step 1: Keep Your Bunny Calm
Start by making sure your bunny is calm and relaxed.
Grooming your bun on your lap is a great way to make sure they don’t hop away while you are brushing them. Some rabbits prefer to remain on the floor during the grooming session and enjoy a massage to help calm their nerves.
Step 2: Wipe Your Bun’s Bottom
Before you begin brushing your bun, use a damp cotton ball to remove any droppings or urine that may be stuck to your bunny’s fur. Wiping their bottom ensures you don’t spread droppings or urine further when brushing your bun.
The scent glands, which are found on either side of your bunny’s genitals (they look like two slits), can be cleaned with mineral oil (at least once a month). Dip a cotton ball into mineral oil and gently swipe it over the glands.
Step 3: Brush in the Direction of the Fur
Gently start brushing your pet rabbit. When using a comb, use it flat against your bunny’s coat to avoid hurting their delicate skin with the bristles.
Avoid brushing too hard on your rabbit’s coat when using a brush or hand glove.
Comb gently in the direction of the fur. A good tip is to keep petting your bun with your free hand to keep them calm.
Step 4: Plucking Out Loose Fur
As you brush your fluffy friend, you’ll notice tufts of fur making their way to the surface of your rabbit’s coat (often found on the side and the backside of your rabbit ). As you pet your rabbit (to keep them calm), gently pluck the tufts off using your fingers.
Using a wide-tooth comb will help tease out the clumps of matted fur. For those stubborn matted tufts, use the scissors to gently cut them away (this must be done very carefully, as you don’t want to accidentally nick your bunny).
Step 5: Check for Parasites
Use this opportunity to check for mites, fleas, or other parasites on your rabbit. A flea comb will assist in picking out the parasites as you comb gently through the fur.
Step 6: Brush It Off
Once you have brushed your rabbit thoroughly, simply use your hands to stroke your bunny along its back and brush downward with your hands.
This will remove any loose pieces of fur on your buns coat.
My Last Bunny Thoughts
Grooming your bun can be a wonderful bonding experience for both you and your rabbit. Be gentle and take your time. This is a great way to make sure your bun is in tip-top shape.
Grooming your rabbit will help you to check for any lumps that shouldn’t be there, and regular grooming will help you notice if any bumps suddenly occur.
Brushing your bun regularly will also help your bun feel more comfortable during the change of seasons. A groomed bunny makes for a happy fluffy bunny with soft fur.